. . . . . "Propranolol" . . . "infantile hemangioma" . . . "atrial fibrillation" . . . "coronary atherosclerosis" . . . "hypertension" . . . "myocardial infarction" . . . "migraine" . . . "hypertrophic subaortic stenosis" . . . "pheochromocytoma" . . . "essential tremor" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "angina pectoris" . . "2022-10-11T09:59:56.321766"^^ . . " Propranolol is indicated to treat hypertension, angina pectoris due to coronary atherosclerosis, atrial fibrillation, myocardial infarction, migraine, essential tremor, hypertrophic subaortic stenosis, pheochromocytoma, and proliferating infantile hemangioma. Proprol is also indicated to. treat angina pectoris due to coronary. atheroscleric atherosclerosis and atrial fibrillation." . "2.3.0" . "RSA" . "MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEApdULbl+/+pkVlq0fAzWmzfgIb+XMuQPKHMDVzUTWCZBjLfzORll42ptr52e4w7tTYkUKrBsQbx8lkjZWAlWiyh+xIK0oLFSdYRSt63kgiyRYBUOR+spcgmofb7f6JyftArPVTKhsWOMt/mcyNG9qc3lw8B/xuPmLteUWO33xWhfXQreTw1lsGUkZ1j4cB4X9HIuI20ktLYLCXaBauNHEJZ4qp6/Q2ATsJcw8tg7aRmFKXhrjM9maZ2+0cMg0Jpmn2UnDlPKXEA6Qq+qnvvQt8KFjIzP9FTMyvrWl8tTd0NCmS9VpooZJQ8We1lGMPXg5bMbe/bVkTf70fbFMf0RKrQIDAQAB" . "hZRSrRWYwvx7Dci9c3l8E6v5z/20I+TxPaQpqcSIxUXijFdCGDrBs0qx6+6it0d8JRTiFKOblWgK7p/9WnhxI6opJjY8+py8kCW5/vzxX9uDy5oNVy0EVu/bcsP15zN0p9QX4U8isBPKuy/hTuymap6IW0Fs3mP0OpB1xLTfy+IK+U0pusdCe5ySicbTi+nq5oLLaDeXWMuN/C93yrqI+E4Ul4RVMvgpi2hL+j6RADcQ//9q1a3s+8gAPXJjdTLutfVWCgPiVVI0nORcWb73dyj0FCYmNQi10BQ6wz1vmU+zqbFwbcWmh7eKVUMgu5NsDXQiAY7X9+kBY24horEImg==" . . "2022-10-11T09:59:56.321766"^^ . .