. . . . . . . . "OpenAIRE Explore is a knowledgebase which makes the content of the OpenAIRE Research Graph publicly available. The OpenAIRE Research Graph is an open resource that aggregates a collection of research data properties (metadata, links) available within the OpenAIRE Open Science infrastructure for funders, organizations, researchers, research communities and publishers to interlink information by using a semantic graph database approach." . "OpenAIRE Research Graph" . . "RSA" . "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCtpcftn7kbe6toJbOTDQaCcCssEFSWqt6J4rZ02w+TfY7/eIOgJZYOlpL6G3AzO2RNmVYWRPSlMiykaFuaRuBitvk1GKfGdprfZbvXwmeOxpqCTRBQX9EnFyQyd+Ra/ajfw/UsG8skeu1xnUEpnQbpgbQYc/fvhJNN0UwEc77mOwIDAQAB" . "YA+nnvOMKy3wJi6+Erq9plcqTt6PsaAHl6illpvXzFiqERSRP65ndsRxZYdiZmT/WLH679uTXRspTk79tfNo6+QkIv2BdyBW+G0BtP0pfwYGghl7uTQrJmzE/IUDHTGYTNYZrS3lABMNC2c3kpuECN8vPfT0mJF+IeLLrKb07Bk=" . . "2022-07-29T16:59:54.554+02:00"^^ . . . . . . . .