. . . . . "hypertensive" . . . "acute heart failure" . . . "acute congestive heart failure" . . . "patients" . . . "Nitroprusside" . . . "bleeding" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "2022-10-13T12:52:04.510950"^^ . . " Nitroprusside is indicated for immediate reduction of blood pressure of patients in hypertensive crises, reduce bleeding during surgery, and for the treatment of acute congestive heart failure. It is also indicated to reduce bleeding in surgery and reduce blood pressure during the procedure of blood surgery. It was also indicated for the reduction of bleeding during the surgery of patients with severe blood pressure and for acute heart failure patients." . "2.3.0" . "RSA" . "MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEApdULbl+/+pkVlq0fAzWmzfgIb+XMuQPKHMDVzUTWCZBjLfzORll42ptr52e4w7tTYkUKrBsQbx8lkjZWAlWiyh+xIK0oLFSdYRSt63kgiyRYBUOR+spcgmofb7f6JyftArPVTKhsWOMt/mcyNG9qc3lw8B/xuPmLteUWO33xWhfXQreTw1lsGUkZ1j4cB4X9HIuI20ktLYLCXaBauNHEJZ4qp6/Q2ATsJcw8tg7aRmFKXhrjM9maZ2+0cMg0Jpmn2UnDlPKXEA6Qq+qnvvQt8KFjIzP9FTMyvrWl8tTd0NCmS9VpooZJQ8We1lGMPXg5bMbe/bVkTf70fbFMf0RKrQIDAQAB" . "HJz33s/vjSWpSUt849g6T5f9gsWpQGVetsEV2uoDAaRZfGc65MXlUZYjs7qdV6xaocdl9Gn+kVtazgOtXkvLKFkbaH2vXWgpZRQ0R14uXgKmx2qfvDNqyhnK9WEl8c2adaCYhDwpAtqFoYa7pUZAw3TJc/iwCq0rpRvDwSJ5Qvd0kzHRjAeROHJXas09KKEtH7woIXmMFi/mz5a24H48G9WXnoL35Ur7ME+G9EfHsEqcdmrFJXdS3Agfk4J3+coLCbLUKYnLIausxQhH7GpNemNphC8tHJI9GemO3VpyQlGwYWaNAkud4Gigim2EnoOSGzg2dVvSDcobryCfwbLgkg==" . . "2022-10-13T12:52:04.510950"^^ . .